Monday, January 30, 2012

Formatting Text


Formatting TextOnce you have entered information into a spreadsheet, you will need to be able toformat it. In this lesson, you will learn how to use the bold, italic, and underline commands; modify the font style, size, and color; and apply borders and fill colors.
To Format Text in Bold or Italics:
  • Left-click a cell to select it or drag your cursor over the text in the formula bar to select it.
  • Click the Bold or Italics command.
Formatting Commands
You can select entire columns and rows, or specific cells. To select the entire column, just left-click the column heading and the entire column will appear as selected. To select specific cells, just left-click a cell and drag your mouse to select the other cells. Then, release the mouse button.
To Format Text as Underlined:
  • Select the cell or cells you want to format.
  • Click the drop-down arrow next to the Underline command.
  • Select the Single Underline or Double Underline option.
Underline Command

To Change the Font Style
  • Select the cell or cells you want to format.
  • Left-click the drop-down arrow next to the Font Style box on the Home tab.
  • Select a font style from the list.
Font Style
As you move over the font list, the Live Preview feature previews the font for you in the spreadsheet.
To Change the Font Size:
  • Select the cell or cells you want to format.
  • Left-click the drop-down arrow next to the Font Size box on the Home tab.
  • Select a font size from the list.
Font Size

To Change the Text Color:
  • Select the cell or cells you want to format.
  • Left-click the drop-down arrow next to the Text Color command. A color palette will appear.
  • Select a color from the palette.
Text Colors

  • Select More Colors. A dialog box will appear.
  • Select a color.
  • Click OK.

To Add a Border:
  • Select the cell or cells you want to format.
  • Click the drop-down arrow next to the Borders command on the Home tab. A menu will appear with border options.
  • Left-click an option from the list to select it.
You can change the line style and color of the border.
To add a Fill Color:
  • Select the cell or cells you want to format.
  • Click the Fill command. A color palette will appear.
  • Select a color.
Fill Color

  • Select More Colors. A dialog box will appear.
  • Select a color.
  • Click OK.
You can use the fill color feature to format columns and rows, and format a worksheet so that it is easier to read.
To Format Numbers and Dates:
  • Select the cell or cells you want to format.
  • Left-click the drop-down arrow next to the Number Format box.
  • Select one of the options for formatting numbers.
Number Format
By default, the numbers appear in the General category, which means there is no special formatting.
In the Number group, you have some other options. For example, you can change the U.S. dollar sign to another currency format, numbers to percents, add commas, and change the decimal location.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Modifying Columns, Rows, & Cells


Modify Columns, Rows, and CellsWhen you open a new, blank workbook, the cells, columns, and rows are set to adefault size. You do have the ability to change the size of each, and to insert new columns, rows, and cells, as needed. In this lesson, you will learn various methods to modify the column width and row height, in addition to how to insert new columns, rows, and cells.
To Modify Column Width:
  • Position the cursor over the column line in the column heading and a double arrow will appear.
Modify Column Width
  • Left-click the mouse and drag the cursor to the right to increase the column width or to the left to decreasethe column width.
  • Release the mouse button.
  • OR
  • Left-click the column heading of a column you'd like to modify. The entire column will appear highlighted.
Select Column
  • Click the Format command in the Cells group on the Home tab. A menu will appear.
Format Command
  • Select Column Width to enter a specific column measurement.
  • Select AutoFit Column Width to adjust the column so all the text will fit.
To Modify the Row Height:
  • Position the cursor over the row line you want to modify and a double arrow will appear.
  • Modify Row Height
  • Left-click the mouse and drag the cursor upward to decrease the row height or downward to increase the row height.
  • Release the mouse button.
  • OR
  • Click the Format command in the Cells group on the Home tab. A menu will appear.
  • Format Command
  • Select Row Height to enter a specific row measurement.
  • Select AutoFit Row Height to adjust the row so all the text will fit.

To Insert Rows:
  • Select the row below where you want the new row to appear.
  • Click the Insert command in the Cells group on the Home tab. The row will appear.
Insert Row
The new row always appears above the selected row.
Make sure that you select the entire row below where you want the new row to appear and not just the cell. If you select just the cell and then click Insert, only a new cell will appear.
To Insert Columns:
  • Select the column to the right of where you want the column to appear.
  • Click the Insert command in the Cells group on the Home tab. The column will appear.
The new column always appears to the left of the selected column. For example, if you want to insert a column between September and October, select the October column and click the Insert command.
Insert Column
Make sure that you select the entire column to the right of where you want the new column to appear and notjust the cell. If you select just the cell and then click Insert, only a new cell will appear.
To Delete Rows and Columns:
  • Select the row or column you’d like to delete.
  • Click the Delete command in the Cells group on the Home tab.